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Event information

Competition center (CC),

From South end of Kaskantyú, arrows at the junctions, 3,2 km on dirt road (access map).
No water in the CC.
Type of competition: 2 individual events
Date: 28 February 2009, Saturday     1 March 2009, Sunday
Distances: middle for M21E, W21E, M18E, W18E (qualification and final)
classic for others
long (classic)
Start for Elite's qualification: 11:00 am  
Start for others: 13:00 pm 10:00 am
Distance of finish
from the CC:
0 m 0 m
Distance of start
from the CC:
900 m on blue tapes (Elite's qualification: 100 m) 300 m on blue tapes
Map scales: 1:7500 1:7 500;
1:10 000 for M21E, W21E, M18E, W18E and M21B
Registration: until 12:00 noon until 9:30 am
Price giving ceremony:   in the finish, at 2:00 pm
Terrain: Sand dunes with open, semi open areas and juniper bushes like a labyrinth
Punching: SPORTident, SI card rental 1.00 € / day
SI-Cards 8 and 9 (7 digit number) cannot be used!
Organizers: Hegyisport Szentendre Egyesület és Kalocsai SE
Prizes: After the 2 races, for the first three competitors of each class in the overall ranking
Entries at the venue: 6.00 € / day
M/W 10D; 12D; 14; 16; W60; M70: 4.00 € / day
Open beginners: 3.00 € / day
Miscellaneous: Map size 1st day: 21x33 cm, 2nd day: A/4.
Symbols are available only on the map.
Attention: New path and track possible on the terrain.
Someplace the controls are very close, please check the control code thoughtfully!
Boróka Kupa (ősz):  2008., 2007., 2006.
Juniper Open (autumn):  2008, 2007, 2006
Boróka Kupa (tavasz):  2008., 2007., 2006.
Juniper Open (spring):  2008, 2007, 2006
Támogatók / Sponsored by:
Atlasz Irodaház